According to surveys, only 8 percent of Americans successfully achieve their New Year's resolutions. A whopping 45 percent fail by the end of January! Why is it that people can't keep to their resolve?
I think it's a matter of perspective. When you begin something with the notion that you have an entire year - 52 weeks, 365 days, 8760 hours - to get it done, it's nearly inevitable that you will wait to begin and every day that you wait it becomes less and less important to you until your actual want to do it just a well intentioned "meant to." There is no urgency to saying you will start something at the beginning of a term.
I say then that we should throw some "now or never" into the mix. Instead of having a New Year's resolution, make a Year End resolution. What i
s the one thing you would do before this year is up and gone and you never had the chance again? Consider it your last shot. Before the calender flips to another year, what is it that you want to have done or begun in this year?
Make a list and then DO IT! None of this rubbish of waiting until after the ball drops. After nearly 2 months of parties and stress you'll get all liquored up on the 31st and have a weeks worth of hang over and cleaning up to do; that is no time to be keeping resolutions. This is your last chance to make this year your own and I say don't squander it. Sprint to the finish! Go out with a bang! Et cetera, et cetera.
Good Luck with your Year End Resolutions! I would love to know what you accomplish so please post a comment.
1 comment:
Some of the things I am doing...
- Regular reading. So far this week I have read 1 new book and picked back up on rereading another.
- Put my ducks in a row. I have started to get my old debt taken care of so I can have a clean(er)slate and get back in school.
- Take my heath seriously. I am doing yoga 3 times a week and doing some cardio also. That would be more easily accomplished if I could use an elliptical machine as I have a bit of a bad leg and bad joints (car accident). I am also trying to get my portion sizes under control so I am eating smaller amounts more frequently (but trying not to snack). Using salad/bread plates instead of large dinner plates helps with that.
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