Tuesday, 23 June 2009

My bus stop is the most popular in the city

The end of my street has been turned into a movie set tonight, literally. They are shooting what I just Googled to find out is a James L. Brooks romantic comedy scheduled for release in December called How Do You Know? - staring Reese Witherspoon, Owen Wilson (I prefer Luke's acting), and Paul Rudd. Apparently they are in DC for 14 weeks and even took over the baseball stadium for a while.

So, there I am, in the middle of probably 500 people just standing on the street taking pictures and taking cell phone videos. Everyone dressed very nicely as if the director would suddenly spot them and say "Hey, grab them and get them in this scene!" And then there's me - walking my dog (and picking up his poo) wearing dirty sweats, flip flops, a shirt that I only don for gardening, sleeping, cleaning, or dog walking. The only presentable thing about my was the bra that I just happen to still have on which is generally not the case on my evening canine constitutional.

I am no doubt the pride of my neighborhood. The White House has Michelle and AdMo's got me.

More info: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/blogs/yeas-and-nays/Wilson-Witherspoon-Rudd-will-call-Adams-Morgan-home-46915307.html

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