Sunday, 20 July 2008

Hot & Bothered

I worked a full day today, pretty much that means nonstop from 7:30 am until 11:00 pm. I do this about twice a month but it feels like a lot more. Today was particularly annoying because TD from NYC was leaving and, as usual, that can never be an effortless process. To top it off, there were 12 arrivals and the weekend emails which I just couldn't touch after about 2pm.

It was hot out all day and I was miserable. Plus, my niece Jerrica is here for a visit so I feel somewhat compelled to entertain her. Luckily she is an amazingly awesome kid and is happy doing the most mundane things. Even so, things just weren't going my way. But then the clouds parted.

First, Emily came over and brought dinner (mmm...Jyoti) and was great company for Jerrica while I was cleaning up TD's mess. Then we played 3 rousing games of Go Fish. A lovely visit, as always.

A couple hours later I was working on the garden, yet again, when a long lost friend called and said she was across the street. Well, it's not that Lyric is long lost but we are both busier than one armed paper hangers and never get a chance to chat or visit. So it was a fantastic surprise to see her today. As usual she was gorgeous from head to toe and I was covered in sweat, dirt and mulch which is my usual.

My day may not have been great to start with but thanks to a couple of friends, it got a whole lot better. Thanks ladies!

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